637-B South Broadway #134, Boulder, CO 80305
Phone: 303-499-1576 Fax: 303-484-3192

Sample High-level Workplan: Selling Your Business (M&A)

Sample High-level Project Workplan

A. Finalize project goals, interests, constraints, and scope; agree on detailed workplan

B. Interview employees and sample of clients to inform range of acceptable scenarios

C. Define acceptable scenarios with associated degrees of freedom and descriptions of potential partners

D. Identify partner candidates that match scenarios

E. Research, evaluate, and rank candidates by defined criteria

F. Make initial contact with high potential candidates (through personal contacts, when possible)

A.Create full pitch presentation

B. Conduct financial valuation of business

C. Conduct exploratory interviews

D. Decide on negotiation partner(s)

E. Develop negotiation strategies for high potential candidates

A.Consult attorney and accountant on transition plan options

B. Prepare company data and records for due diligence process

C. Enter into negotiations with high-potential partners

D. Work with attorney to draw up contract

A.Sign contract

B. Plan and manage post-merger integration


- Prioritized partner candidates (~100 high potential out of large pool of backups)

- Letter of Introduction

- Pitch presentation
- Valuation
- Top 3 candidates
- Negotiation plans

- Mutually-agreeable contract with potential partner

- New combined organization with leadership transition plan in place